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About John Snowden Coaching

I help people who, in some significant aspect of their work or personal life, find they are just not getting anywhere, who find that they are unable to solve their own problems. As a consequence, they find themselves stuck, frustrated, possibly fearful and probably alone.

Above all, they want something to change; they want greater resourcefulness, resolution of a dilemma and/or an enhanced sense of possibility.

I help by providing an environment in which what can’t be changed becomes accepted, and then there is both support and challenge to take ownership of life, to identify and face up to whatever it is that can and must be changed, all with a sense of spontaneity and safe experimentation. In that environment, realisations occur, mind-sets shift and so to real world outcomes.

About John Snowden

My career over the last 30 years and more has been in chartered accountancy, serving individuals and businesses. I continue to run my accountancy practice in parallel with coaching work.

My professional development in coaching is ongoing. Having initially trained with leading coaching organisation Performance Consultants International, early in 2018 I was awarded a Masters degree in Psychological Coaching. Subsequently I have trained in psychosynthesis leadership coaching, and I am accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

How and where I coach

I offer face to face coaching in Summertown, Oxford or, if preferred, at your home or place of work. Coaching is also very successful conducted virtually – whether with video, audio-only or indeed telephone – saving time and travel costs.

Achieving lasting, real-world impact by taking the way you think and act to another level

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